When Will SSI Checks Be Deposited For April, May & June 2024?

Supplemental Security Income is a Social Security disability benefit program for people with limited income and resources. SSI benefits provide money through a monthly payment, enabling an eligible person to pay for food and shelter, so knowing when the funds will be available is essential.

If you rely on SSI benefits, the information in this article provides peace of mind by explaining how payment of disability benefits works. Of course, the disability lawyers at the Clauson Law Firm are always available to assist with representation and advice about all matters and issues related to Social Security disability benefit programs.

How Are SSD Benefits Paid Each Month?

There was a time when people received their Social Security disability payments in the form of a check mailed to them each month. That method has been replaced by electronic payments accomplished through direct deposit to a beneficiary’s account at a bank of their choice or by a transfer of funds to a Direct Express Debit Mastercard.

The new payment methods were introduced to prevent checks from being lost in the mail or stolen from mailboxes. Reports of lost or stolen checks took time to investigate before Social Security could issue a replacement payment. Electronic funds transfers avoid the inconvenience and financial hardships common with mailed checks.

Funds electronically deposited to your bank or a Direct Express Debit Mastercard are available on your payment date, though severe weather or other unforeseen circumstances may cause delays. A delay in the availability of your disability benefits may be caused by the policies of the bank where your account is located.

Some banks do not make funds received through electronic transfers available to depositors on the same day as received by the bank. The best way to avoid surprises and delays in accessing your SSI benefits is to ask about the policies at the bank when you open an account.

If a payment delay cannot be attributed to weather, unforeseen circumstances, or the policy at your bank, contact a local office of the Social Security Administration for assistance. The SSA will look into the matter and take steps to resolve it.

Before contacting the SSA, make sure that you have not changed banks or opened a new account without notifying the SSA of the change. It’s a common mistake that can delay access to your funds.

Another cause of a delayed payment is a continuing eligibility review of your SSI claim. The SSA typically reviews your claim within the first six to 18 months to determine whether you continue to meet the eligibility requirements for SSI benefits if your medical condition is expected to improve.

A review may be conducted every three years if your disability is caused by a medical condition with a possibility rather than expectation of improvement. The time between reviews may be extended to seven years if there is no expectation of improvement in your condition.

When Will SSI Checks Be Deposited For April 2024?

You may be wondering when will SSI checks be deposited for April 2024. SSI payments are made on the first day of the month unless it falls on a federal holiday or a weekend. If the first is a weekend, the payment is made on the Friday before the first. When the first is a federal holiday, your payment is processed on the business day immediately before the holiday.

The SSI benefit payments in 2024 for April and May will be on the first day of each month. However, you can expect to receive two SSI payments in May, one on the first and another on May 31. It’s not an extra payment.

June 1, 2024, falls on a Saturday, so the payment for June must be processed on Friday, May 31, which gives you two payments in May. It may look like an extra payment, but it’s not because your next payment will not be until July 1.

If you qualify for SSD benefits through SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance, the rules about when SSI checks be deposited for May 2024 and the remainder of the year do not change. However, different payment dates apply for SSDI.

Does Eligibility For SSDI Change When You Get Your SSI Payment?

If you have a work record and paid Social Security taxes on your income, you may qualify for SSDI benefits. The schedule for monthly SSDI benefit payments is not the same as for SSI benefits.

Workers who pay into the Social Security retirement system may qualify for benefits when they become disabled before reaching full retirement age. If you are uncertain about whether you qualify for SSDI benefits, a disability lawyer at the Clauson Law Firm will review your work history and medical information so you do not miss out on benefits that you may be entitled to receive.

Social Security schedules SSDI benefit payments on the second, third, and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Your date of birth determines the Wednesday in the month when your payment will be processed according to the following:

  • If you were born on the first through 10th day of the month, your SSDI benefits are deposited on the second Wednesday of each month.
  • If you were born on the 11th through 20th day of the month, your SSDI benefits are deposited on the third Wednesday of each month.
  • If you were born on the 21st through the 31st day of the month, your SSDI benefits are deposited on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

The only exception to this SSDI payment schedule occurs when the payment day falls on a federal holiday. Social Security processes the payment the day before the holiday when that happens.

Members of a disabled worker receiving SSDI benefits may be eligible for family benefits through the SSA based on the work record of the eligible worker. Family benefits are available to the following relatives:

  • Current or divorced spouse
  • Children
  • Adult child who became disabled before age 22

Eligible family members have their monthly benefit payments processed on the Wednesday of the month determined by the disabled worker’s day of birth rather than on their own.

If you qualify for SSI and SSDI, your SSI payment is processed for deposit to your bank account or a Direct Express Debit Mastercard on the first of the month, subject to the rules about federal holidays and weekends. However, Social Security processes your SSDI benefit payment for deposit to your bank account or debit card on the third day of each month, no matter what day of the month you were born. The rules about federal holidays and weekends apply and may result in payments being processed earlier than the due date.

Social Security provides a calendar showing the payment schedule for 2024/2025 for SSI benefits. It also displays the schedule for SSDI benefits alone or when paid in combination with SSI.

How To Avoid Payment Delays

When Social Security did away with checks as its primary method for paying SSD benefits, it made the process more reliable. What it could not do was eliminate delays caused by factors within the control of the recipients of SSI and SSDI, including the following:

  • Not designating one of the two payment methods, electronic transfer to a bank account or a Direct Express Debit Mastercard.
  • Providing incorrect financial institution or account information to the SSA for deposit to a bank account.
  • Changing banks or accounts within a bank and not notifying Social Security of the change.

You must keep Social Security updated about changes to your address, improvements in your medical condition, and income earned from working or other sources, as any of these may affect your eligibility for benefits.

How Much Will SSI Benefits Be In 2024?

If you qualify for SSI in 2024, the maximum monthly federal benefit payment is $943 for individuals and $1,415 when you and your spouse qualify for benefits. Most states pay a monthly benefit to their residents who receive SSI as a supplement to the federal benefit. The following states do not supplement the federal benefit:

  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Mississippi
  • North Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • West Virginia

The monthly SSI payment you receive could be less than the federal maximum if you have countable income, including earnings from work and other benefits you receive, such as SSDI and Social Security retirement.

SSDI benefits are based on a worker’s lifetime earnings. The maximum that a person may receive from SSDI in 2024 is $3,822, but the SSA projects the average monthly benefit for disabled workers through the SSDI program to be $1,537 in 2024.

Learn More About Your Disability Benefits From The Clauson Law Firm

When you have questions about your Social Security disability benefits, get the answers from a source you can trust at the Clauson Law Firm. Whether you’re wondering when will SSI checks be deposited for May 2024 or need an experienced and skilled disability lawyer to represent you in an appeal, contact Clauson Law today for a free consultation.

About Author


Clauson Law has focused on representing the injured and disabled for over 10 years. We have handled thousands of cases. Each client is important to us and has a unique situation.

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