Traumatic head injuries, hormonal changes, environmental changes, medications, foods, and stress can cause headaches and migraines of varying degrees. It can be difficult in some cases to determine the cause of migraines, but anyone living with migraines understands how painful they can be.
Headaches generally, and particularly migraines can be disabling if they keep you from being a reliable worker. Migraine headaches can last for hours or days and can be extremely debilitating. If a claimant has very severe migraine headaches frequently and misses more than a couple of days of work per week, they may qualify for disability.
In many cases, the claimant's work performance and attendance decrease due to migraines. When pain medications don't work to remedy the pain, a person may be unable to work a full-time job.
If you have migraines and are applying for Social Security disability it is important to get regular medical treatment from a neurologist. Typically, neurologists perform CT scans to try and determine the cause of the migraines, and typically prescribe pain or neuroleptic medication. If a Social Security disability applicant has migraines regularly, sees a specialist, and is unable to effectively treat the migraines, they may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits.
Documenting the frequency and the severity of migraine headaches is extremely important for your Social Security disability case. Keeping a headache diary is essential. An experienced attorney can help tremendously if you have a claim for Social Security disability involving Migraines.
Vaughn Clauson and his staff have years of experience working with Social Security disability claims involving headaches and migraines. For a free case evaluation, please call 919-794-4437 (in Durham) or 877-835-0923 (toll-free throughout North Carolina)