Raleigh Social Security Disability Lawyer

Raleigh Social Security Disability Lawyer

Raleigh Social Security Disability Lawyer

Programs available through the Veterans Administration and Social Security may provide a solution to financial challenges caused by a disability that prevents you from working and earning a steady, reliable income. With so much at stake, it makes sense to trust the Clauson Law Firm, PLLC, to provide you with a disability lawyer Raleigh NC to guide through each step in what can be a complex and difficult process.

Whether you need a Raleigh VA disability lawyer or a lawyer to fight for your right to other types of disability benefits, a lawyer from Clauson law has the knowledge and experience to assist you. We handle everything starting with the initial application and take your claim all the way through administrative reviews to court challenges when necessary. Our goal is for you to receive the disability benefits that you need and deserve without forcing you to wait in long lines at the Social Security office Raleigh to file an application or get information about a claim.

Social Security Disability Benefits

Only one-third of all applications for SSD benefits receive an approval from the Social Security Administration after the initial determination process. SSD benefits may be available to you through the Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance programs.

A Clauson Law SSD lawyer Raleigh has the skills and ability to challenge an adverse determination through each of the following levels of the reconsideration and appeal process:

  • Reconsideration of your application by someone who was not involved in the original determination process.
  • A hearing presided over by an administrative law judge.
  • Appeals Council review of the administrative law judge decision.
  • Federal court review.

Vaughn S. Clauson has the distinction of being certified as a Social Security disability law specialist by the North Carolina State Bar Board of Legal Specialization in recognition of his demonstrated skills, knowledge and ability in the specialized field of SSD law.

Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income

Funding for the monthly benefits payable through SSDI comes from Social Security taxes, so you must have worked and paid into the system through payroll taxes or through taxes on income earned through self-employment. If you meet the work requirement, you must have a medical condition that meets the requirements of the definition of disability used by the Social Security Administration.

The fact that you worked at a job where your employer withheld Social Security and other payroll taxes may not be enough to make you eligible under the complicated regulations that govern the SSDI program. For example, your work record must be long enough to qualify for SSDI based on the number of Social Security work credits that you earned each year.

Raleigh Social Security Disability Lawyer

A work credit is what you earn based on your wages or self-employment income. The amount that you must earn to receive a work credit changes each year. For 2022, you receive one work credit for each $1,510 earned at work or through self-employment, but you cannot earn more than four credits a year.

The actual number of work credits you need to qualify for SSDI depends on how old you are when your disability begins. Generally, younger workers who become disabled need fewer credits than do older workers who have a longer work history.

Meeting the work requirement is only one step in the process to qualify for SSDI benefits. You also must have a disability as defined by federal regulations as having a medically determinable physical or mental impairment that prevents you from engaging in substantial gainful activity. The impairment must have lasted or be expected to last for at least one year or result in death.

Our SSDI lawyer Raleigh relieves you of the burden dealing with confusing federal regulations. We make certain that your application complies with regulations by checking your work history and medical records to determine that you meet the requirements for SSDI eligibility.

Raleigh Social Security Disability Lawyer

Elderly, disabled or blind individuals with low income and limited resources may qualify for benefits through the Supplemental Security Income program. SSI does not require a work record to qualify, so it may be available for individuals who do not qualify for SSDI or whose SSDI benefits do not provide adequate financial assistance. Having an SSI lawyer Raleigh review your situation can determine the best program to apply to for benefits based on the eligibility standards that you meet.

Short-Term Disability

A disabling condition that prevents you from working may not be permanent and meet the disability to qualify for Social Security disability benefits, but you may be eligible for short-term disability benefits through your employer. Our short term disability lawyer Raleigh helps determine whether you are eligible for benefits through a plan maintained by your employer or through the federal Family Medical Leave Act.

Raleigh Social Security Disability Lawyer

The FMLA grants up to 12 weeks of unpaid time away from work each year to eligible employees for any of the following reasons:

  • Childbirth.
  • Care of a newborn within one year of birth.
  • Care of a foster child within one year after placement.
  • Care of a spouse, parent or child suffering from a serious health issue.

The FMLA also allows you to take time away from work in the event you need to deal with a serious health issue of your own.

The time away from work under the FMLA is without pay, but the benefit is that your employer must keep your job open for you. FMLA applies if you work for a school, government agency, or a private company with at least 50 employees.

Raleigh Disability Lawyer

Get help from a Social Security disability specialist

A Raleigh Social Security disability lawyer from the Clauson Law Firm has the knowledge and skill to take your claim for disability benefits from the initial application all the way through the appeal process. We aggressively fight to get you the benefits you deserve while taking the time to keep you informed throughout the process. Contact us today for a free consultation and claim review. Learn what benefits are available and what we can do to help get them for you.


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Talk to our Raleigh Social Security Disability Lawyer

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