Tragically, thousands of Americans diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma learned too late that their cancer may have been caused by one of the most common garden products in U.S. stores, Roundup® weed killer. The most common cancer found among frequent Roundup® users is Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL). But Roundup® can cause other cancers too, like brain cancer and leukemia.
The Monsanto Company began producing Roundup® weed killer in 1970 with a primary active ingredient called glyphosate. After more than 40 years of marketing Roundup® to farmers, nurseries, landscapers, and home gardeners as a safe and reliable weed killer, independent scientists discovered a high correlation between the use of Roundup® and the development of cancer.
Perhaps worst of all is the news that Monsanto’s internal corporate documents prove that the company knew their product might be causing cancer way back in the 1970s. They didn’t tell the public because Roundup® represented 50% of Monsanto’s annual sales and generated billions of dollars in annual profits.
Roundup® is now the most widely used and heavily applied weed-killer in the history of chemical agriculture in both the US and globally. How many people have suffered and died without ever knowing they were victims of corporate negligence?
In 1996, Monsanto introduced genetically modified “Roundup® Resistant” seeds. Farmers using those seeds could grow crops that would not be harmed when they sprayed Roundup® to kill weeds.
Once farmers could spray Roundup® more freely, without worrying about hurting crops, Roundup® sales went through the roof.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the nationwide use of glyphosate on crops increased from 13.9 million pounds in 1992 to 287 million pounds in 2016.
With the increased use of Roundup® came the suspicion that more Roundup® meant more cancer, especially Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
The evidence is overwhelming that the Monsanto’s executives knew their formula for Roundup® weed killer was a likely cause of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and other cancer for many years. In a July 17, 1979 letter, Monsanto’s Director of Environmental Assessment and Toxicology terminated an ongoing study of the effects of Roundup’s® key ingredient on mice. The mice were dying at such a high rate so early in the study that it was halted.
Other Monsanto documents obtained by lawyers during the pretrial discovery process exposed a decades-long pattern of conduct by Monsanto employees including deception, data manipulation, and intentional spin to convince the public that both glyphosate and its formulation in Roundup® were safe. The truth was that Monsanto’s own scientists raised concerns about the potential linkage between Roundup® and toxic damage to human DNA resulting in the growth of cancers in humans.
While non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the cancer most associated with using and being exposed to Roundup®, other cancers may result from the Roundup® formulation as well:
In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer published a report from a team of international experts concluding that the main ingredient in Roundup® “ is probably carcinogenic.”
Despite repeated claims by Monsanto and by its parent company in Germany, Bayer AG, the evidence strongly indicates that tens of thousands of cancers developed in people who used or were exposed Roundup® in their agricultural employment or in their home gardens.
Like agricultural communities across the U.S., farmers in North Carolina sprayed millions of pounds of glyphosate-base herbicide, averaging 1,000,000 pounds annually.
On the map shown here, the darker brown areas of the US are where Roundup® was most heavily used. Eastern North Carolina used as much or more glyphosate-based herbicide (Roundup®) than anywhere else on the east coast.
Farmers, golf course groundskeepers, landscapers, nursery workers, municipal park workers, and home gardeners all stored Roundup® between uses. Many of those who owned or worked on large acreages sprayed large amounts of Roundup® regularly for years.
If you or a family member developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or other cancer after working with or being exposed to Roundup® at your job, call the Clauson Law Firm right away. We want to help you receive the compensation you and your family deserve.
Lawyers for cancer-stricken clients sued Monsanto successfully.
Thousands of claims remain pending against Monsanto for Roundup®-related cancer:
We at Clauson Law Firm want to help you get your just compensation from the $10 billion Monsanto is setting aside to pay all Roundup®-related Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and other associated cancers.
The federal court did not accept Monsanto’s $10 billion offer because it did not ensure future plaintiffs would get notice of deadlines and available funds. Final negotiations are underway.
If you or a loved one developed Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) and you used or had exposure to Roundup® or another glyphosate-based herbicide, call the Clauson Law Firm today, before time runs out.
The legal term used for cases like the Roundup® cancer lawsuits is “Mass Tort” litigation.
Mass Tort lawsuits are those where many people are harmed by a product but under circumstances that don’t qualify to be treated as a class-action case. Class action lawsuits must meet strict criteria to have many claims litigated as one. Mass Tort lawsuits permit many victims of a company’s negligence to consolidate their cases for efficient adjudication but still be treated as individuals.
Because thousands of people in so many states were harmed by Monsanto’s deception, lawsuits from plaintiffs all over the U.S. were consolidated into a multi-district litigation (MDL) case before a single federal judge.
More than 13,000 plaintiffs have sued Monsanto already because Roundup® caused their NHL or other cancer.
We maintain an experienced staff of talented attorneys who conduct extensive research in every client’s case. You are more than a client to us; you are our mission.
When you call Roundup Cancer Lawyer, we take immediate steps to ensure you receive full compensation for the damages you suffered because of Monsanto’s deceptive conduct in hiding their product’s danger:
Our demand for compensation includes these damages, and more:
After studies were conducted all over the world, scientists discovered enough evidence to conclusively prove that Roundup® and other glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs) contributed significantly to the development of cancer in humans, especially Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Of course, the cancer connection was known to Monsanto back in the 1970s.
When doctors noticed the high incidence of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) in patients with a history of exposure to GBHs like Roundup®, Monsanto responded with studies that seemed to show that the glyphosate was safe. They pointed to their own research and other studies that showed glyphosate did not display any detectable negative effect on human cells. That’s why the EPA and other regulatory agencies did not require carcinogen (causes-cancer) warning labels on Roundup®.
Finally, independent scientists exposed what Monsanto knew all along; it wasn’t the glyphosate by itself that caused cancer, it was the formulation Monsanto used when they mixed glyphosate with other materials designed to make it stick to plants. The mixture included a material called “surfactant.”
The word “surfactant” comes from a combination of three words: surface-active-agent. The surfactant is a material that makes the glyphosate soluble and penetrates the surface of plant cells so the glyphosate can kill the weed. Without the surfactant, the glyphosate would not be able to break through the surface of the plant cell to destroy the unwanted plant.
The deadly secret that scientists discovered is that the surfactant mixed with the glyphosate in Roundup® was also penetrating the cells in human bodies and causing breaks in the strands of human genes.
When scientists tested only the glyphosate alone, they did not find the human body cellular damage they thought they would. If the cancer was being caused by Roundup®, the doctors thought it must have been caused by the main active ingredient, glyphosate. When that was not the case, Monsanto declared the cancer-causing allegations to be false. They continued to market Roundup® all over the world.
But, when the glyphosate and surfactant were tested together, as in the Roundup® formula, the genetic cell damage was plain and obvious. It was the Roundup® formula that was killing people, just as other glyphosate-based herbicides were when mixed with the surfactant.
Now that the truth about Roundup® causing Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and other cancers is known to the world, Monsanto and Bayer want to settle all the cancer claims with a $10 billion fund they propose to set up. The money would be distributed by a mediator on a case-by-case basis.
YOU MUST ACT NOW if you or your family member was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma or other cancer
after using or being exposed to Roundup® at work or at home.
Clauson Law Firm will aggressively press your claim with the federal court handling the Roundup® multi-district litigation. We will ensure that the facts of your case are recognized and that you receive the fullest compensation for the ordeal inflicted on you and your family by the reckless and dishonest marketing of Roundup®.
Monsanto claimed that Roundup® Cancer can only hurt plants, that it is harmless to pets and humans. But they were not telling the truth. Their deception and your trust in Monsanto’s marketing could have contributed significantly to your cancer.
Now is the time to contact Roundup Cancer Lawyer. Monsanto claims its financial resources are limited and that prolonged, repetitive multi-billion-dollar judgments from American juries will drive it into bankruptcy.