Reporting Disability Status Changes to the SSA

When you are a recipient of SSI, you will often not be required to immediately notify the SSA when your disability is going through changes. However, you will find that you will be subject to Continuing Disability Reviews, or CDRs, from time to time. Being prepared to report your changes and argue your case for continuing to receive benefits is essential when you find yourself up for a CDR.

Depending on your age, the frequency of these reviews will differ. For children, they will be subjected to one every three or seven years. Adults, however, will be subject to more frequent reviews, unless they are over the age of 50.

The Following Will Trigger the SSA To Potentially Schedule a CRD Hearing for You:

  • If you return to paid work.
  • If a third-party reports to the SSA that you are failing to follow protocol.
  • If a new treatment for your disability is discovered.
  • If you inform the SSA that your disability status is improving.
  • If your medical reports begin to show your condition as improving.

When your social security benefits are being put up for review, you will be notified through the mail by the SSA. You will receive one of two forms: the long-form called Continuing Disability Review Report (SSA-454-BK), or the shortened version called Disability Update Report (SSA-455-OCR-SM). You will be required to fill out various areas of the form, which indicate your current medical status, the sort of testing and treatments you’ve received since the last form was filled out, and other various important medical/social/financial information. To help this process move at a decent pace, it is highly recommended that you get the help of an attorney who can assure you fill out the form properly and thoroughly.

In the case that the SSA finds that you are no longer considered disabled, they will terminate your benefits immediately. However, you do have options regarding the appeals process, and can return to work in the period of appeals.

Need help reporting changes or preparing for a CDR? For help dealing with Social Security offices in North Carolina, the professional team at Clauson Law Firm, PLLC is a fantastic option. Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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Clauson Law has focused on representing the injured and disabled for over 10 years. We have handled thousands of cases. Each client is important to us and has a unique situation.