What Medical Information Does Your Attorney Need for Your SSDI Claim

Your medical summary is the most important factor for the Social Security Administration when determining whether or not you are eligible to receive benefits. You should have this information gathered and ready to submit when you submit an application for review.

You are going to want to provide your attorney with sufficient, accurate, and timely medical evidence supporting your claim and needs for disability benefits. It is of the utmost importance that you are able to provide evidence that your ability to work within the next 12 months has been affected due to a disease or medical condition.

If your initial application ends up being denied for benefits, your attorney will then be able to take over the case on your behalf. They will only provide the judge with records and information that is relevant to your condition. However, the attorney will not be able to provide information and records that you have not collected for them. Your attorney will know the best way to handle information that is not productive for your case.

You will want to be prepared to submit the needed medical information at the same time you complete the paperwork for an appeal of the decision reached by the SSA. It is important that any records or reports that you submit from a doctor have been given to you within the previous 60 days. If more time than this has elapsed, you will need to make the necessary appointments in order to have any records and other information updated.

Arguably the most important information you will submit to the SSA is a Residual Functional Capacity. This is used in order to evaluate the level of activity that an impaired individual is capable of. The Social Security Administration will use your residual functional capacity along with your skills, level of education, and age in order to determine if you qualify to receive disability benefits.

Your RFC will be created by medical consultants provided through the Social Security Administration, however, you will have a better chance of being approved to receive benefits if a residual functional capacity is filled out by your personal doctor as well and then submitted along with all the other test results and medical documentation you submit when applying to receive disability benefits. It is common for a doctor or medical office to charge a fee for the service of providing you with the RFC.

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Clauson Law has focused on representing the injured and disabled for over 10 years. We have handled thousands of cases. Each client is important to us and has a unique situation.