The Disability Benefits Application Timeline

People who apply for disability benefits do so because they need the money they will receive to replace the money they are no longer able to earn by working at their chosen profession. Since the receipt of these payments is crucial for the recipients, it is important to know how long the process can take before an application is approved. Although all claims are different and independent of each other, here is a general timeline of the process.

The Typical Timeline For Disability Claim

The typical timeline for a disability claim ranges from three to five months. The exact amount of time a claim takes to come to fruition is often dependent upon how much medical information there is to review. Other determining factors include how long it takes you and your medical providers to respond to questions that the Social Security Administration (SSA) asks and whether you are required to have a consultative examination by a physician who was appointed by the SSA.

What Are Extended Time Frames For SSA?

The SSA is often inundated with disability claim applications. When the SSA has more claims than their staff can typically handle, it can result in longer than expected time frames in completing the applications. If you claim is taking longer than the expected three-to-five month time frame, contact your local SSA office for an update. This will help to assure your claim is still working through the process.

There Are Certain Situations That Warrant That Claim Be Expedited

There are a few situations that warrant that claims be expedited. The first of these situations is Compassionate Allowance Claims. This type of claim goes into effect when the claimant has a disease from which there is no expected recovery. These claims are put on a fast-track for approval and require a minimal amount of confirming evidence. Some conditions that fall into this category include untreatable cancers and paralyzing spinal cord injuries. The second situation that warrants an expedited claim involves claimants who are disabled and have easy access to supporting medical evidence. These claims are usually completed in less than one month.

Deferred Decisions For Approving Disability Benefits

Some disability claims automatically take longer than the typical time frame. The SSA will sometimes defer the final decision on approving disability benefits when a person has suffered a disability from which a full recovery is probable, such as a stroke. On these occasions, the SSA will wait until near the end of the twelve-month period for which there is the eligibility for disability benefits. The deferral period allows more time to receive more complete information from medical providers that can help the SSA make a more accurate decision.

If you believe you are eligible for disability benefits and would like help with the application process, contact Clauson Law today. We will be happy to help you.

About Author


Clauson Law has focused on representing the injured and disabled for over 10 years. We have handled thousands of cases. Each client is important to us and has a unique situation.