Chances are, at some point in your life, you’ve had a migraine. Migraines are a type of severe headache that can often result in a lot of pain. What’s different about migraines from other headaches, though, is that they typically produce other symptoms as well, such as nausea, vomiting, and an increased sensitivity to bright lights or loud noises. One of these headaches has the power to lay most people out for hours at a time. Imagine, however, having to deal with these monsters on a continual basis.
If you are suffering from chronic or constant migraine headaches, then you already know how difficult it can be to have a regular life. When just getting out of bed or going outside is a chore, how can you be expected to hold down a job or provide for your family? The good news is you might be able to get help in the form of Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits for migraines. SSDI benefits are available to those who suffer from medical conditions that make them unable to work.
Of course, you have to prove that your migraines are causing you to stay unemployed. How do you do that? Well, you need to know that for migraines it can be an uphill battle. While the Social Security Administration (SSA) has guidelines for many conditions, migraines are not one that is mentioned. This doesn’t mean it’s hopeless, though; it just means you have to present an airtight case.
To begin with, you need to collect medical evidence. This comes in the form of doctor’s visits, trips to the ER, medicines, treatments, lab results, etc. . . . any sort of medical evidence you have that supports the fact that you are suffering from migraines, that it is a condition that has been going on for a long time (at least a year). In addition, you should include a statement from your healthcare provider to the effect that this condition has lasted a while, and is not expected to go away anytime soon based on the medical evidence.
Furthermore, it will be necessary to show that these migraines have stopped you from being able to perform work-related duties. This is where it gets tricky. Even though you might not be able to perform your original job, if the SSA feels you are still able to hold down any sort of job, your claim is likely to be denied. Therefore, it’s necessary to provide evidence that your condition has made it impossible for you to handle any type of job, regardless of what it is. This means you have to show, for example, that you are unable to leave the house for more than a few hours, or unable to get out of bed, or be in a room with the lights on for a long period of time, etc.
If this sounds daunting, it can be. It can be difficult to prove an SSDI case even in the best of circumstances, and migraines can be difficult when it comes to medical evidence. If you have more questions, or are worried about the best way to proceed, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our experienced team of professionals has the knowledge needed to help you make the best possible case. We hope to hear from you soon!