Experienced Clayton NC Car Accident Lawyer

we take pride in providing you with the personalized and client-focused representation you deserve from a car accident law firm Clayton. We listen to you and make it a priority to keep you informed about your claim for compensation.

Car Accident Attorney Clayton

Outstanding personal injury law firm aggressively fighting for compensation for victims injured in Clayton car accidents.

Experienced Clayton NC Car Accident Lawyer

According to data compiled by the North Carolina Department of Transportation, there were 276,549 auto crashes in the state in 2019 that claimed the lives of 877 people and injured almost 82,000 others. You may never think about the risk of a crash, but car accidents that cause injuries or deaths take place with enough frequency that you should think about what to do if you or a family member are hurt in one.

If the negligent, careless or reckless actions of another motorist causes you or a loved one to be injured in an car accident Clayton, an attorney at The Clauson Law Firm, PLLC, offers the personalized attention you need during a time of stress and uncertainty. Who is responsible for the medical bills, lost earnings and other damages caused by the crash, and what about the pain and emotional suffering you endured? We offer answers to ease the uncertainty as we aggressively fight for the maximum compensation you need and deserve.

Types of cases handle by a seasoned car accident attorney Clayton

There are many behaviors that other motorists engage in that cause crashes, including speeding, distracted driving and alcohol and drug impairment. Some of the most common types of car accidents these behaviors cause include the following:

  • Rear-end crashes: Tailgating, driver fatigue, and driver inattention are only some of the forms of careless and reckless conduct that may cause a motorist to fail to stop or slow in time to avoid crashing into slowing or stopped cars.
  • Head-on collisions: A vehicle drifting out of its lane or attempting to pass another slower traffic may end up colliding with an oncoming car.
  • Side-impact crashes: So-called "T-bone accidents" usually occur when a vehicle fails to yield the right of way to an oncoming car and makes a left turn in from of it. It may also take place at an intersection when a negligent driver ignores a red light or stop sign and crashes into the side of car already in the intersection.
  • Side-swipe collisions: These types of accidents usually happen with a driver attempts to change lanes without looking to see if it is safe to do so causing the sides of both vehicles to crash into each other.
  • Rollovers: A sharp turn or sudden maneuver at an unsafe speed may cause a driver to lose control and cause the vehicle to rollover. These may also occur in a side-swipe or T-bone crash when the impact of the collision causes the vehicle that was struck to flip over.
  • Single-car accident: Striking guardrail, road sign or other stationary object without a second vehicle being involved may be caused by negligence on the part of the driver, but there could be other causes. Potholes, debris on the road or the design of the road may cause a car to crash, which could lead to a claim against the municipality responsible for maintenance and design of the road.

Any of the various types of car accident Clayton NC may involve negligence on the part of more than one party. For example, your car may be in a side-impact crash with a vehicle making an illegal left turn and hit a second time by another vehicle whose driver was texting on a cellphone and not paying attention. Our attorneys investigate to learn all the facts in order to identify all parties responsible for the injuries you suffered.

Serious injuries caused by Auto accidents

Do not assume that you have not been seriously injured merely from how you feel or because only minor damage was done to the vehicles. Some serious and life-threatening injuries may take hours before symptoms fully develop or may not produce visible signs of an injury. For example, a traumatic brain injury may be caused by damage to the brain without your head hitting against a hard surface.

When a crash causes your vehicle and its occupants to come to a sudden stop, your brain may continue to move inside your skull. A TBI may occur as the brain strikes against the interior of the skull. You may feel fine at first, but symptoms that develop later may cause anything from headaches and nausea to loss of consciousness and, in some cases, death.

Our first priority is your wellbeing, so regardless of how minor the collision or your injuries may appear to be, get a medical evaluation right away either at an emergency department or from your own physician. Do not make any statements about how the accident happened or about your injuries to anyone other than emergency medical personnel responding to the scene or the doctors treating you without first speaking to us.

Experienced Clayton NC Car Accident Lawyer


Contact a Car Accident Lawyer

When someone else's negligent and careless actions cause you to be injured, the last thing you want is one-size-fits-all treatment from a lawyer. At The Clauson Law Firm, PLLC, we take pride in providing you with the personalized and client-focused representation you deserve from an car accident law firm Clayton. We listen to you and make it a priority to keep you informed about your claim for compensation. Learn more about why people come to us for advice and representation they can trust. Call us today at 833-680-0177 or contact us through our website to schedule a free consultation and case review.

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