When I help my clients get approved for Disability Insurance Benefits, they are also entitled to Medicare. For people who are disabled, having access to medical care and medical insurance is almost as important as monthly benefits. Understanding the Social Security disability application and appeals process can be complicated and time consuming; so can the process of applying for and understanding the Medicare system. Medicare is a federal program that provides medical benefits to the retired and disabled. You cannot get Medicare until after you have been entitled to disability benefits for two years. At that time, Social Security automatically sends a Medicare card to the recipient.
There are three parts to Medicare. Part A pays for hospital bills. Clients automatically become entitled to this if they are found disabled. You do not have to pay a premium for Medicare Part A.
Part B of Medicare pays outpatient hospital bills. Once a client is approved for Disability Insurance Benefits, there is a premium that is deducted from each monthly check for Medicare part B. If a client does not want Medicare Part B in the future, they can ask Social Security to not deduct the premium, but I strongly advise against this in most situations. When approved for DIB benefits, Social Security assumes that the client does not want back payment/retroactive Medicare Part B; however, you can ask for back Medicare Part B to pay for past medical bills. To get this, the client has to agree for Social Security to deduct the back premiums from their Social Security back benefits. This may be a good idea if a client has a lot of past medical bills. Every situation is different, and it just depends upon whether the old medical bills that would be paid by retroactive Medicare part B would amount to more than the back premiums for Medicare part B. If a client gets retroactive Medicare Part B, it does not matter if the client has already paid the doctor bill(s). If Medicare covers the bill, it pays the doctor whether the client has already paid the doctor or not. If the client has already paid the bill, the doctor must reimburse the client.
Finally, there is Medicare Part D, which provides prescription drug coverage. Clients have to pay extra for Part D, but it may be worth it if they need medications that some of the Part D plans cover.
If you are interested in applying for DIB or need help appealing a decision, we can answer your questions about both Social Security disability benefits and Medicare. We are happy to discuss your claim, just give us a call or fill out the contact form.
If you have been approved for disability benefits already, or you are retired and only have questions about Medicare Parts A, B, and D, you may call SHIIP (Seniors’ Health Insurance Information Program) at 1-800-443-9354 or (919) 807-6900, or visit their website: http://www.ncdoi.com/SHIIP/
Hiring a specialized law firm that is familiar with Medicare benefits and Social Security Disability benefits can save you time and money. We can help you get through all of the paperwork, guide you through the application process, answer your questions, and file any necessary appeals. The Clauson Law Firm, PLLC, represents clients throughout North Carolina, and we are committed to helping our clients pursue the Social Security disability benefits and medical care that they deserve. We are dedicated to helping the disabled.
Talk With an Experienced Social Security Disability and Medicare Law Firm
The Medicare program is often confused with the Medicaid program, which is a separate state program and provides different types of benefits to low/no income disabled individuals. For people who qualify for Medicare coverage, one of the biggest questions is about the 2-year waiting period before benefits are administered. Unfortunately, in most cases, there is no way around this waiting period; however, disabled individuals cannot go without medical insurance and treatment for 2 years. Our law firm can help you find other options for health care if you are faced with this two year waiting period, including low cost or free clinics in the area. If approved for DIB benefits, we can also provide information about if and when you can expect Medicare benefits to kick in.
Learn More About Your Options in Applying for SSDI and Medicare
Our firm specializes in representing the disabled and we can also advise you on the process of applying for and receiving SSDI and Medicare benefits. Contact us for a free case review at 919-794-4437 or toll free at 877-835-0923.