Thinking About Filing for Disability?

If you are like most of our clients, filing for disability is the last thing you want to do. No one wants the label of “disabled” and there are many reasons to fight against this conclusion and to hold off filing for Social Security disability as long as you can.

irstly, there is no guarantee that you will win. Unlike retirement Social Security which is paid automatically once you reach a certain age, you have the burden of proving to Social Security that you meet its definition of disability. This is not an easy task – it is this work that keeps Vaughn Clauson and the Clauson Law firm very busy every single day.

Second, even if you are successful, you are going to have to wait a long time before you see any money. On average, you can expect to wait at least a year to get to your hearing, with delays of 18 to 24 months quite common.

Third, you will find that in most cases you will earn more money working and you will enjoy the benefits of socialization in the workplace and interaction with your co-workers. Social Security claimants spend a lot of time at home watching TV and most will tell you that their lives were more enjoyable when they were working.

Fourth, you will quickly learn that navigating the waters of Social Security’s disability process can be very tricky. You will be exposed to dozens of strange acronyms and terms like AOD (alleged onset date), DLI (date last insured), SGA (substantial gainful activity) and RFC (residual functional capacity). The Clauson Law firm  exists because as a practical matter it is very, very difficult to recover Social Security disability benefits without the help of an experienced advocate. Obviously we hope that you will choose the Clauson firm and we hope that you will use this web site and our blog to learn more about the process.

We tell you some of the negatives about filing for disability because we are always very up front with our clients and you should enter the disability application process with full knowledge of what you are doing.

At the Clauson firm we know how much courage it can take to make the decision that the time has come for you to file for disability benefits. As your representative and trusted partner in this process, Vaughn Clauson and his staff will guide you every step of the way, answer your questions and prepare you to make your best showing in front of the Social Security disability judge – the decision maker who has the power to approve your claim.

No one expects to end up disabled and unable to work. Hopefully your time as a Social Security disability recipient will be not be permanent and you will end up back in the work force. No matter what the circumstance, if you cannot work because of a medical condition, Social Security can provide you with the money and medical care to get appropriate medical treatment and to live with dignity.

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