If you live in the Asheville, North Carolina area and you have recently been involved in an accident with a large semi-truck, you may have found this page because you need help. You may be injured and unable to work, or to enjoy many of your normal daily activities. You may be overwhelmed. You may be uncertain about the future. You may be wondering if you have any rights under the law – and if so, how to pursue them. If so, you’ve arrived at the right place.
Anyone who has spent any amount of time on the roadways recently has probably seen any number of large semi-trucks. In fact, it's almost impossible to drive more than a few miles on any given day without seeing at least a few. These trucks play a vital and necessary role in our world today – they are essential to supporting interstate commerce, and to ensure that we receive the goods and supplies we need when we need them.
Although they’re essential, the truth of the matter is that they can also be very dangerous. Anyone who has ever been unfortunate enough to be the victim of an accident involving one of these large trucks knows this all too well. Because of the sheer size and weight of these vehicles, the accidents they cause can be particularly damaging and devasting for the unfortunate victims of those accidents. In fact, according to statistics collected in 2018, out of the number of people who died as a result of truck accidents that year, only 16% were occupants of the truck. An astounding 67% of victims were passengers in other vehicles, and approximately 15% of fatalities were motorcyclists, pedestrians, or bicyclists. And of course, these statistics don’t even account for the accidents in which victims survived, but sustained lasting and significant injuries. Big trucks can be dangerous – there’s simply no question about it.
Truck accidents can happen quickly and for any number of reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:
Clearly, there are any number of potential reasons why a truck accident may occur. Unlike the case with motor vehicle accidents involving privately-owned passenger vehicles, however, in a truck accident, there may be more than one liable party. Sometimes, the driver may be responsible for the accident. In other cases, it may be a failure on the part of the trucking company to provide proper training and supervision for the driver. In still other cases, the company that manufactured the truck may be at fault.
In addition to the possibility that there may be several parties who are potentially liable for the accident, it's also important to understand that the trucking industry is subject to many complex regulations and laws that don't apply to personally owned vehicles. The rules can be different from state to state and can vary depending upon any number of factors. It's a complicated industry – and to navigate that complex system, you'll need a qualified attorney. You need a team of Asheville truck accident attorneys who know and understand the law, and who can help to pursue the best legal strategies on your behalf against the right parties. At The Clauson Law Firm, we’re here to do exactly that.
If you are the unfortunate victim of a truck accident, know that it's understandable to feel overwhelmed. It is understandable to feel anxious, and worried, and uncertain – these accidents can be shocking, and they can cause significant and long-lasting injuries. While it's understandable to feel any number of emotions, one thing you should never feel is alone. At The Clauson Law Firm, we're here for you, and we're ready to walk with you every step of the way, as you pursue the compensation you need and deserve.
Our dedicated team of Asheville truck accident attorneys understands truck accidents. We know the damage they can cause, and that they can suddenly turn life upside down. Even more importantly, however, we understand the law. We know the best legal strategies to pursue on your behalf, and we’re here to fight for you with the right blend of compassionate, yet aggressive representation that you need. We would consider it an honor to learn your story, and how we might be able to help. Please visit our website at www.clausonlaw.com, or call us at (833)-680-0177. We’re here for you. We look forward to speaking with you soon.