Asheville Bicycle Accident Attorney

Despite your best efforts to be a safe bicycle rider and willingness to share the road with cars, this does not always mean that you will be protected. While safety gear can go a long way towards minimizing your injuries in the event of an accident, accidents can and do still happen. If you've been injured in a bicycle accident in Asheville, then look no further than Clauson Law.

What to Do After A Bicycle Accident in Asheville, NC?

A bicycle accident in Asheville, NC can be a very confusing and life changing experience. Unfortunately, for a victim it can mean significant injuries and costly expenses to treat those injuries and to attempt to minimize the day to day impact on your life from the accident.

Given the many complicated factors involved in the process of recovering from a bicycle accident, you need an Asheville bicycle accident lawyer who cares about the outcome of your case.

There are plenty of stunning trails and great places to enjoy riding your bike, but that pleasant experience can turn upside down when you wind up critically hurt in a serious accident.

One of the only options available to you after being hurt in such an accident is to consult with a dedicated Asheville bike accident law firm. Protecting your rights should be a top priority especially if you have suffered catastrophic injuries that require extensive treatment.

Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Although bicycles are frequently used for recreational and professional reasons, not all drivers know how to share the roads fairly with bicyclists. This means that a bicyclist could be struck at any point during their ride. Accidents are far more likely to happen at intersections when a bicyclist or vehicle is turning or when a bicyclist is coming up on the bike lane and a door of a car is thrown open.

These dooring accidents can throw the cyclist from their bicycle and put them in greater danger of being hurt in traffic. A bicycle accident law firm in Asheville, NC should be consulted immediately after the accident occurs to increase your chances of recovering compensation.

What to Do After a Bike Accident in NC

While not every bicycle accident victim will sustain severe injuries, it is important to be medically evaluated for the impact from the accident and use this information to present to your Asheville bicycle accident attorney. Far too often, the route of a bicycle accident is traced back to another party's negligent behavior.

If this is true in your case, this information needs to be catalogued and combined with your medical records and other evidence to file a personal injury lawsuit. North Carolina state law protects the rights of those injured bicyclists that were hurt because of another party's breach of the duty of care. This duty of care involves following relevant road laws and it is often issues like drinking and driving or texting and driving that come up at the fore front in an Asheville bicycle accident case.

As a bicycle accident victim, it's important to get evidence at the scene of the accident. This is not always possible if you have been knocked unconscious or are suffering from severe injuries that require emergency transport from the area. If this is the case, you need to make sure that your Asheville bicycle accident attorney is dedicated to collecting this information as soon as possible on your behalf. Our Asheville bicycle accident law firm has extensive experience in handling bicycle accident cases and often steps in to help those victims who are not able to handle this process on their own. If this applies to you, you will want to be able to trust your personal injury lawyer to help you with this process.

What to Know About the Insurance Process

Filing an injury claim with your insurance company is another important step in your case if you have been seriously hurt. The insurance company might not necessarily offer you a fair settlement offer and might be difficult to get a hold of or not process your claim effectively. In these cases, it could be extremely helpful to have the support of an Asheville bicycle accident lawyer to support you in this phase of your case and ensure that your insurance claim is moved through the company effectively.

Continue to attend all of your medical appointments and take notes after each one. Note how your injuries are affecting your day to day life and whether or not they've made it difficult or impossible to go back to work or if you are no longer able to enjoy physical activities that you could prior to the accident. All of this information becomes paramount in your Asheville bicycle accident personal injury claim.

For further questions about the management of your claim and how best to proceed, schedule a consultation today with our Asheville bicycle accident attorney. A bicycle accident attorney will help you use the individual facts in your case to chart out a potential strategy for fighting for your compensation. With so much on the line for your own future, take the case seriously by finding an Asheville bicycle accident lawyer who is invested in working towards the best outcome for you.

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Talk to our Asheville Bicycle Accident Attorney

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